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Monday, February 5, 2018


Hello, travelers! Welcome to April Graves-Minton's Photographic Art Studio and sales of actual items from my private collection!

I have coins and stamps and other items for sale or simply for viewing as an introduction to what you may expect to see in my online museum and brick and mortar at a later date. I also have photographs of items or artwork on Previews of photographs I will send you when you donate $50.00 or more per photograph. Coins and stamps pages are actual items in the photograph for sale if they are not my previews for my soon-to-be available online Rare and Real Museum. Please specify which when requesting service. For Coin sales go to that page and read contact and purchasing information. Likewise, for stamps you wish to purchase use my contact form located at the bottom of the page, the Contact link in the menu to my parent website contact form, or email to Info.

This is art and art photography! Non-explicit art shown is expressive and personal expression. If you think you may be offended, please leave the website NOW! Most artwork is natural setting and non-explicit, however, art is subjective and may be offensive to some viewers. This is your notice of this artist's freedom of artistic expression on this site.

 "The Vortex" by April Graves-Minton, HIR (Her Imperial Royal) Majesty, Baby Love Heaven Goode, BabyBull Love MoonEagle Powhatan, and more names for different tribes world-wide. Please donate at least $50.00 for an 8" x 10" photograph of this photo and others. Make sure I have your email address and your chosen photos and then I can simply send your choice of photograph via email instead of regular mail services. You may donate any amount using the PayPal button below, but I need to at least cover shipping costs to get the photograph to you or I necessarily must cancel the order.

UPDATE: 4-19-2024 If you would like to purchase one of my photos, unwatermarked or watermarked as seen on any of my pages, please use the PayPal Donate button to send me your gift amount of at least $50.00 per 8" x 10" glossy photo of your chosen picture. Although most of my artwork seen, but especially not previewed works of art from my Private Collection, I think, may be very expensive later, I just want to give the public an opportunity to provide appreciation for my efforts to expand artistic expression. Please remember that any of my personal artwork or photographs has a certificate of authenticity number, my signature, and identification on the photograph that I approved it. This may be used as proof of value in the future!

Signed certificate photos, photos on canvas, either The Vortex or one from my Previews or other pages photographs, links found in the menu, you may email your request to buy one via mail delivery service or via email to negotiate prices per medium and artwork. Emailed photos with their certificate of authenticity gives you the ability to make any size any medium you wish. However, please do not make any commercial or sellable versions or images! These photographs are art photography and published copyright material and may not be reproduced without the original owner's permission! I only take these orders right now if you are paying with check cleared by my bank or by money order through mail service at this time.

Please allow 6 -8 weeks regular mail services delivery. Canvas photograph orders may take longer to process and may command a higher price. Prices are higher the larger the photo paper or canvas print, as well. This base price is because some photos are worth more than others but will be individually priced later for buy now buttons or cart purchases; therefore, prices will reflect individual photograph pricing at that time.

To verify one of my photographs or artworks are Rare and Real, please contact me before buying a previously owned piece of my work. I have the exact chain of custody as people who might want to sell or transfer my artwork must send an email or text to me at or to this number: 1-479-647-0415. Then, any purchaser in the future may check my database to assure they are receiving my original art. If I change my number in the future or email, I will inform everyone on my blog or on the contact pages.

Please use contact form at the bottom of the page or use my main company website contact form to send your request in English only at this time for any artwork and the size you prefer or to pre-order and be on my waiting list or to request purchase. I will process your request and email you back as soon as I can the price you may expect to pay for your order. This is a first come, first served que. Larger size signed unwatermarked photographs or canvas prints demand higher negotiated prices. You may also use the contact form at the bottom of this page to request information, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Later, most works will be available in a buy now shopping cart forum and I will be adding categories with more photographs to buy.  Exchanges of products or services for my artwork, designs, or services is also considered!

Thank you for visiting and come back soon for more photographic art! Add me to your favorites and share on social media! Do not accept less than the original!